I Strive to...

"Make everything as simple
as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein

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Dr Mikel Harry's Proven Way

Two Stages with a Total of Eight Steps


This is a Feeling Exercise.

Proven Way Diagram

Note: We are in the Visualization Stage. We start from the Right End and go to Left.

Step One of Stage One

"Clarify Core Values"

Means you must:
identify, prioritize, define
things most important 
to you in life.


By aligning your Mission
your Core Values
you will 
be able to live
Core Values
on daily basis.

Our Focus Today

Core Values: External & Intrinsic They are the WHY


A well defined set of core values plays an important role on your path to breakthrough. The word exercise is designed to help you define your quality attributes which drive you internally.
The Goal is to find 4-7 words.

Intrinsic Core Values

NOTE: this is a Feeling Exercise /not thinking

Tips for Tuning Into Your Feelings

Go for a walk in your favorite place.
Play music that moves you.
Sing a Song you Love.
Remove yourself from negative people.
Give Yourself Time; don't rush it.